Mikkel E. G. Hansen

Active Projects

Mikkel E. G. Hansen

Hi! I’m Mikkl

A passionate Graphics Designer, WebDev and User Experiencer that’s so out-of-touch I still adore and produce printed media.

I’m known for my accountability, smiling, and surprisingly productive nature with distinguishable INFJ and INFP personality traits.


Voksevaerket: Marketing Efforts for Brand Launch

Graphics Design



Photography: My Best Shots


Citylawn A/S

Graphics Design


Print Production

Lone Westergren: Private re-habilitation


Alfred Andersen Leather website

Graphics Design



Arrow pointing down symbol Down arrow

I’m working on stuff

On top of developing an online presence, I have an entire webshop of home-made craziness in the works… this, of course, takes a while…

Why? I’m against donations. They’re stupid! A bare minimum is to give an investing audience a return of investment – and I settle for no less!

If you’d like to help me grow, and make my community endeavors viable, feel free check out, share and follow my socials. A stronger online presence will make an enormous difference in the long run! c:

Mikkl's Business Card - Front side Mikkl's Business Card - Back side

I like keeping my one braincell stimulated

I strive new knowledge